1. SLOW DOWN. Be present with the people around you.

    2. PARTY. What if you had a block party?

    3. INVITE IN. What if you invited someone in to something you love to do?

    4. EAT. What if you decided just once a month to invite someone in your neighborhood over to eat?

    5. PRAY. Ask God to help you see people the way HE see’s people?

    1. PRAY. Ask God to help you see people the way HE see’s people?

    2. LISTEN. What if you actively listened to what was happening in people’s lives?

    3. EAT. What if you decided to go to lunch with the same people once a week?

    4. SERVE. What if you made it a point to do something FOR someone else with no strings attached every single week?

    1. PRAY. Ask God to help you see people the way HE see’s people.

    2. RIDES. What if you car pooled with some people on your kids teams or activities?

    3. PLAY DATE. What if you invited a family and their kids to meet you at a park before or after the game?

    4. GAME. What if you invited people over to watch the kick off of Gator Football?

    5. ??? What do you like doing? Maybe invite people into doing THAT!

    1. PRAY. Ask God to help you see the people around you the way HE see’s people.

    2. LISTEN. Listen to what’s going on with the people around you.

    3. EAT. What if you ate with the same people once a week?

    4. EAT AGAIN. What if you ate with different people once a week?

    5. EAT MORE. What if you invited people to your house to have a meal?

    6. SERVE. How can you do something practical to serve people you go to school with?

    7. SLOW DOWN. What if you slowed down enough to see and hear what people need around you?